
It’s been a long time since I was sick.  That all changed Tuesday.  My throat started itching and I strated coughing.  I was absolutely miserable at work Wednesday.  My nose was running like a faucet.  I sneezed at least a hundred times, big, hard sneezes.  Several times they went out over the radio when patrol 1 and 2 were keyed up.  My nose was so raw I could hardly stand to wipe it.  I finally feel better today, but not totally well yet.  my nose is peeling where it was so raw.  I have definitely got to get my flu shot soon.  I can’t even imagine dealing with that.

Made some pumpkin pancakes this morning and they were awesome.  Found the recipe on pinterest and thought I would try it out.  Glad I did.  Pinterest is so great for finding new things to try.  I have so many things pinned and tagged that I’ll never be able to try them all, lol.

enough is enough

I can’t get the hang of writing on here very often.  My life is very boring.  It’s work, sleep, work, sleep……..Since I’ve been back on midnights my exercise program has nearly come to a halt, which makes me sad.  I try to go to Zumba when I can, but usually someone is trying to get me to do something else instead.  In order to not make people mad at me I sometimes I have to skip Zumba and it is on the only day I would be able to go that week. The last couple of weeks I’ve been struggling with my eating, too.  I have a very serious sweet tooth that I can’t seem to satisfy.  Why oh why do I have to have this eating problem.  I’ve got to get back on track before the pounds start coming back.  I wish I could make it to the boxing camp.  I miss that terribly.  I was really seeing some results from that class.  I joined the gym thinking I would be able to make it after work some days.  That hasn’t happened once yet.  I feel so pathetic.  Hopefully I’ll get back in the swing of things soon.

Not much

Not much going on lately.  I’m missing boxing class now that I can no longer make it to class.  I’ve only been to Zumba twice in the last few weeks and I miss that, too.  On the plus side, even with no exercise, I lost 4 pounds!  Whoo hoo!!!  Planning to go to the gym and start this 6 week program from precision nutrition.  I haven’t been logging my food every day, but am trying to get back in the habit.

I can’t believe I did this, but I got rid of my Iphone and joined the android family.  I got a Samsung Galaxy Note.  It’s huge, lol.  It makes it so much easier on my old eyes.  I actually like it better than the IPhone.  I’m still learning how to do all the things it’s capable of.  I keep having to call Ryan for help.  Hope he isn’t getting tired of me.

I’m finally back on midnights and couldn’t be happier.  We had a supervisor meeting yesterday and it’s looking pretty good for us not having to rotate shifts next year.  Hopefully that will stick.


Tomorrow is my last day of 6am – 6pm!!!  So happy that it will finally be over and I can go back to midnights.  I’m sure it’ll be hard to adjust to burning the midnight oil again, but I still can’t wait to be back.

I finished boxing boot camp Friday 🙁   I’m gonna miss it, that’s for sure.  I’m gonna try to make it to the 5:30am class when I can.  I’m also ready to get back to Zumba class when I can.

Traci and I went to the Zumbathon Saturday morning and danced our butts off, literally!  It was 2 hours and 20 minutes of non-stop moving.  We had a blast.  That evening we went to the Give Cancer the Boot Ladies night out and had a good time there as well.  Both events raising money for a very worthwhile cause.  Glad to be a part of that.

Boxing camp

I’ve made it through 4 weeks of boxing camp and still going strong.  I wish that my schedule would allow me to go to the  nextcamp.  My weight is still staying the same so I finally decided to measure the other night.  To my surprise I’ve actually lost some inches!  What a pleasant surprise.  1/2 an inch in each arm, my waist andtights.  The scale at the gym shows that I’ve lost 5pounds as well, but not the scale at home.  Can’t figure that one out.  I care way more about the inches than the pounds.

In other news, we havebeen having a terrible time with Aaron.  He has been having psychotic episodes and was refusing to get outside help.  He finally broke yesterday and went to the VA hospital.  They put him on medication for schizophrenia and bi-polar disorder.  Kimber and her mom wouldn’t let him come back to their house so he came to ours last night.  He is supposed to go talk to a counselor tomorrow or the next day.  Hopefully he will continue taking the medicine and keep the appointment with the counselor.  This tears Ricky up and I’m worried about him having a stroke or a heart attack.

Day shift is about over for me.  Two more weeks and back to midnights.  I am so ready to go back.




It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything.  That’s how boring my life is, lol.  I’ve been doing the same ole things……working, of course, Zumba as often as possible, and on the 6th of this month I started boxing camp back up.  This time I plan to attend the full 6 week camp.  I won’t get to go every day, but at least 4 or 5 times a week.

Last Tuesday I participated with my Zumba instructor and some other class members making a commercial for the Zumbathon on September 15th.  We had a blast and the commercial turned out well.  Traci surprised me and came along for the fun, as well.  We all went to Ranche Grande after the shoot and had a bite to eat and a few margaritas.  That was a great time!  I then went to boxing with a really good buzz which made for an interesting workout, to say the least.

I started using Calorie Camp to track my eating and exercise.  I’m allowing myself 1200 calories on days without exercising and a bit more on the days that I do workout.  Hopefully the weight wil start coming offagain.  But I’m not gonna stress over it as long as I’m getting stronger and can get in my clothes.

It’s been a while

The rain has been going on for the last week.  Not as much as we were having, but it rains every day at one point or another.  We had our family get together at Holly Hill in Warren on the 15th.  It was great.  The lodge was really nice.  The weather held out for the day.  It was really hot, but nice at the same time.  Greg barbequed and it was delicious.  All the sides were great and the desserts were delicious.  We had a good time visiting and playing train dominoes.

The boxing camp is taking a break for two weeks then a new six week class will start.  I’m looking forward to that.  I’ve still been going to Zumba, but regardless of that I’m gaining weight.  I can’t say that I’ve been doing very well on my eating habits lately.  It’s time to get back on track and get rid of these last pounds.

Tuesday Stacie, Chance and I went to Webster for her thyroid specialist appointment.  We came back through Galveston and went to thepiper and ate at Bubba Gumps.  It was delicious.  We didn’t walk the pier because it was so hot and it costs $10 just to walk it.  If you want to ride any rides it was almost $30.  We want to go back when we can stay over night and have the right attire, lol.

Worr has been going alright! Still not crazy about day shift, but it could be worse.  Two more months and I’ll be back on nights.

Guess that’s all for now.


Lately all it’s done here is rain!  I am so ready for it to stop.  People can’t drive in the rain, the ones tstay stay home can’t get along with one another and the calls never end. Ready for the weekend already.

Daddy had surgery again yesterday and everything came out alright.  I wishthey could figure out why he keeps having problems with this.  I know he gets tired or having to deal with it.

Looking forward to this Sunday and the family get together.  I hope that it’s going to be dry where we’re going.  I think it’s sheltered, but I would still like good weather.  I’m going to try making a fruit terrine.  It looks really good in the picturehope it tastes good, too.  Greg and  Linda are bbq’ng.

Right now I just wish this day would move along.  I’m ready for the weekend!


I went to a boxing class with Stacie Thursday night at world gym that is being taught by Valerie Mahfood.  It was quite interesting.  I didn’t think I was going to like it at all, but surprisingly I did. I went to Zumba that morning and thought I would have a hard time with the boxing.  Thursday night was relatively easy.  I went again Friday night and it was quite difficult.  Lots of upper body work and I quickly found out how much I’m lacking in that dept.  The instructor said that I will definitely get upper body strength from taking her class.  There are only 2 weeks left of this camp and I’m gonna continue going.  I’m still gonna do Zumba and add this workout.  There will be a 2 week break after this camp and then another 6 week camp starts.  I’m gonna plan on attending that full camp.  Sure would nice to get my arms looking decent and have upper body strength.  I tried to talk Ricky into going with me, but no luck with that.  He says he already knows how to box from his uncle that used to teach it.  The camp isn’t about learning to be a boxer, it’s all about working out your body and building muscles.


Its been a week now on days and so far I have survived.  It has been painful to say the least.  Ricky is the biggest pain in the ass ever. (my boss, not my husband, lol). The phones ring off the wall and nobody wants to answer them.  That drives me crazy.  Ricky pulls me onto his office for every little thing not even caring that it leaves the office super short on people.  He keeps taking our white book and looking over our schedule and deleting overtime when he has no idea what he is even looking at.  This business of him doing all of Barbi’s old jobs is ridiculous because just like her he hasn’t got a clue.  I go home every day with my shoulders hurting so bad.  I can’t wait till September when I can go back to midnights.  I miss my crew Nd the hours and the peace in the office.