Setting some goals

I have never been a goal setter, so this is not easy.  I will attempt to write these goals every day to make them become habits. “Act as though I am, and I will be.”

Weekly Goals:

1. Eat according to my meal plan

2.  Exercise regularly according to my fitness plan

3.  Eat only 1 cheat MEAL per week

3 Month Goals:

1.  I will weigh 150 pounds

2.  My body fat will be 20% or less.

3.  I will easily fit into a size 8.

1 Year Goals:

I will be so happy and thankful that I will have a toned stomach and toned arms.  I will look good in a bikini.  I will have a body fat of 15-18% and weigh no more than 145 pounds.  I will help others to choose healthier habits by leading through example and being a reliable source of health and nutrition information.  I am developing consistent exercise and eating habits that will be so ingrained into my lifestyle that they stay with me for the rest of my life.


Guatemala Mission Trip

We’re home from our mission trip to Casa Angelina in Guatemala.  What an unforgettable trip it was.  We started the week off with a free day and we visited the black sand beach.  It was very different from our beaches around here.  So clean and beautiful.  The waves were also very strong.  We had a great time.  The scenery in Guatemala is amazing.  There are mountains and flowers every where you look.  The weather was spectacular.  Monday we went to Casa Angelina and were greeted by some very awesome kids who are so full of love it just bursts from them.  After playing with the kids for a little while we were surprised with our assignment of combing lice out of the kids hair.  Not what we were expecting, but we did it any way. They fed us amazing lunches every day we were there.  They took us to visit the widow’s home that the team built last year and the family was so happy for the visit and the supplies that were brought to them.  Tuesday we continued with the lice duty and then began digging a trench and building compost bins. The hostel we stayed at cooked us breakfast and dinner each day that was delicious.  We worked on the trench the rest of the week and also cleaning the aquaponics house and planting flowers on a very steep hill to help stop erosion.  We bought shoes and groceries for the widow’s family and brought the items to them on Friday.  The family was so very grateful for everything that was done for them.  The conditions they live in are unimaginable and these people are so full of genuine love, it is unbelievable.  We take so many things for granted in our every day lives and this trip has really humbled me.  God has blessed me in so many ways that I take advantage of.  I had the time of my life serving with the TCPT Ripple Effect Missions Team.  Each and every one of the members are so special and have hearts of gold.  I can’t wait to serve with them angelina 8 casa angelina 4

Getting ready

10 days till we leave for our mission trip to Guatemala. I’m getting both excited and apprehensive. Praying that we have a safe and productive trip.

Went to a Sexual Assault Family Violence conference in Irving with Sarah Murphy last week and had a good time. Tarah was there, also. Tuesday was Sarah’s birthday and we celebrated big time. I haven’t been that drunk in many years, lol. I had a blast. Some guy in the bar thought I was the hottest thing ever and bought all of my drinks! He wanted to take me to Italy, lol. We stayed at the Omni Mandalay Hotel and it was exquisite. It was on a lake and was similar to the river walk in San Antonio without all the businesses. It was really nice to get away for a few days. The conference was really good, too.

I’ve been doing You Time at the YMCA and going to aqua aerobics classes. I’m really enjoying the challenge of the workouts again. I haven’t been able to lose any more weight which is discouraging, but I’ll keep right on working out. My body is getting stronger and stronger and that’s a great feeling.

I’m a week late, but anyway, I made it through my first month of Challenge. It was, to say the least, challenging at times. I thoroughly enjoyed it though. It’s such a good feeling to push myself further and further and realize that I am capable of accomplishing things I would never have imagined being able to do. When I began Ripple Effect I couldn’t do 1 military style push-up. At the beginning of Challenge I was able to do 24. At the end of the month I was able to do 39! That’s a little deceiving because I wasn’t able to go down as far as I should, but I still wasn’t doing them on my knees. We do quite a bit of running in Challenge, which I’m beginning to love again. Hopefully I can keep it going without injury, that’s my biggest fear.
This week was the first week of my second month of Challenge. We did our parameters on Tuesday. I was able to do, I think, 28 full military push-ups, and I ran my mile in under 10 minutes. I was third out of 9 people, beat only by the 2 guys and I’m by many years older than all of them, lol. That’s a great feeling, one I can’t even describe.
Today our workout was extremely difficult and I loved it. My body is feeling it now. I think I’ll go soak in some epsom salts!
Hope everyone has a wonderful day! Do something kind for someone 🙂

This morning was the last morning of week three for The Ripple Challenge. We had a good workout. It was challenging, to say the least, but I loved it. Yesterday it was even more challenging for me. For some reason me and full sit-ups don’t get along, and we had to do a LOT of power sit-ups. I don’t know if my body is made strange or my form is off when I’m doing them, but it leaves the top of my butt completely chafed and raw. Now I can’t get comfortable sitting, and barely laying down. The things I’m willing to put up with to stay fit! Went to Academy and got some body glide that is supposed to stop chafing and will give that a try. Next week is the last week for June Challenge and we will be testing our parameters again. Hoping to see some improvement from the beginning of the month.

The Challenge

Today began at 4am with feelings of anticipation. I really felt like rolling over and going back to sleep, but got up any way. As I was washing my face and getting dressed I couldn’t help but wonder if I should’ve just signed up for Ripple Bravo instead of Challenge. Challenge is so intimidating. I worry that I won’t be able to keep up or be as fast as everyone else. I make it to the gym and await our assignment. Others express the same feelings I was having this morning so I’m not feeling so bad. We are told we are going outside. This morning was cold, especially for May. We begin with a warmup and are told we will be taking it a little easy today because tomorrow we will be testing our parameters. We are going to do the exercises that will be measured tomorrow. We begin with a run through the neighborhood. I manage to keep up and still be able to breathe and feel good. Then we go into a series of 1 minute exercise, 30 second exercise and 30 second rest then the next exercise. We did jumping jacks, jogging; sit-ups, 6 inch hold; push-ups, planks; and leg raises, 6 inch hold; and then repeat everything. (I think that was all, but not positive) Then we went for a short jog in the parking lot and cooled down. I survived! I loved the workout and my doubts about Challenge dissolved. I think I will be able to do it!

It’s been a few weeks since I’ve posted anything. Had a great girls weekend on the 20th with my sisters and step-mom to celebrate my 50th birthday. We visited, ate too much, played, shopped and went to church together to finish the weekend off. Lots of laughing and sharing. It was a perfect celebration. They surprised me with a money tree to help me with my mission trip to Guatemala in August. They are such a blessing in my life.

Ryan closed on his house and got moved in. I’m so proud of him. The house is great and perfect for him. So excited for him. Much to my surprise he planted some tomatoes and a sago palm tree. Guess he was just kidding when he said he was gonna pull up all the rose bushes because they’d just be in the way for mowing, lol. Looking forward to his housewarming party next Friday night.

The house sure is quiet without Puffy. Miss him like crazy 🙁

I signed up for Ripple Challenge for May. It starts Monday and I’m nervous. Sure hope I can keep up. I’ve been going to classes at the gym all week during the break so I won’t be so sore when we get started back up. This morning I’ll be going to the Cardio Strength Interval class. Been up all night at work after not sleeping much yesterday, so it’s gonna be a struggle making it thru class, but don’t wanna miss it.

Sad Day

10100_10200902951005808_275458146_nToday is a very sad day. I had to put my beloved dog down. He has been by my side for over 13 years. He has been such a loving companion and watchdog. Puffy loved me no matter what. He had separation anxiety to the max, couldn’t stand for us to leave him. He would be so excited when we came home. He loved to go for a ride in the car and always knew when Ricky was getting ready to go to the bank. He knew that he would get a treat from the teller. When he was young he was very playful, but the last few years he spent most of his time relaxing. He still looked like a cute little puppy, but his age brought on many problems that weren’t visible just looking at him. It was a hard decision to put him down, but I know he was suffering. That doesn’t make it any easier, though. My heart is hurting, I already miss him so much.

The Big ’50’

It’s hard to believe that I’m 50 years old. A half century, wow! Seems like just yesterday I was dreading turning 30. In my head I’m still that 30 year old. I don’t really feel any different. Sure my body feels the years, like my knees hurting from squats and running, but overall I can’t complain. I’m able to workout right along side many young people and sometimes able to do more than them. That’s an awesome feeling. I’m slower at doing some things, but I give it my all. I feel so much more comfortable with myself than I did when I was 30. I’m also a lot healthier than I was back then. Taking care of myself is a big part of my life now. Hopefully that will give me many more years of life to enjoy!


Traci and I went to Houston and saw Pink at the Toyota Center. What a show! The singing was great and her acrobats were amazing. Our seats were in the nosebleed section, but at least they were in the center. Pink is in awesome shape and danced around in high heels most of the night. She was singing all the whole she was doing all the acrobatics and flying around the arena. Simply amazing!

We’re staying at the Inn at the Ballpark on the 12th floor. The hotel is super nice.

We started our day at the Galleria doing some shopping and lots and lots of walking. We had lunch at the Cheesecake Factory and it was delicious. We had enough leftover to have it again for dinner.

Our feet are killing us, but it has been a super day!