Well tonight is goodbye to midnights for 3 months 🙁 Not looking forward to working days at all. I will struggle through it knowing that God has some kind of plan in mind. I don’t want to deal with the staff or 311 in the day time. I don’t like the traffic in the day time, people can’t drive. I sure don’t like having to wake up at 4 in the morning. On the bright side, I should be able to make it to more Zumba classes. I can go at 6:30 in the evening on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays 🙂 I’m going to miss all my midnighters. I hope Cheryl isn’t too hard on them. I also hope that I can get along with my new day shift people.
Author Archives: moni
1000 more
Mowed the grass with the push mower and burned an additional 1056 calories! Yes!!! Now all I have to do is learn to keep my mouth closed and quit shoving food in when I’m not even hungry. You’d think that in 49 years of living I would be able to control this, but not me. Hopefully I’ll be able to continue working out for years to come without injury and keep the weight under control. I know I’ll never be skinny, but I sure do want to be healthy and at least half decent looking.
Back At It
Thursday night I finally got back to Zumba class. (I actually went Tuesday morning, but Tracie fell and hurt her ankle during the warm up song so we didn’t get to have class). Tonight Cari Reynolds taught the class. I wasn’t familiar with any of the songs or routines that she did, but they were easy to follow. I actually had a very fun time and burned 1029 calories according to my watch! 🙂 I felt so good after class. I’ve really missed it. I wish I could find a way to go to a class every day.
Back to the Real World
Tonight is my last night off on vacation 🙁 I’m not looking forward to going back to work tomorrow night.
We had a super time in Vegas! The resort was nice, except for the presentation I had to sit through, lol. That was pure torture. We arrived in Vegas at 7:05 am their time and went straight to the strip. Ryan got a yard stick long island iced tea and was totally wasted by 10:00 am. He was hilarious and obnoxious at the same time. He argued with me over and over about which way to get back to the resort. He wanted to walk back, but could hardly stand up, let alone walk. Once we got the cab he opened the door at about 50 mph and nearly gave the cab driver and me a heart attack. He fell asleep as soon as we got him up to the room and slept for several hours. He woke up and didn’t even know how he got to the hotel. He doesn’t remember any of it naturally! We all went to see the Tournament of the Kings show with dinner and had a great time. Stacie and Chance went to see David Copperfield and Ryan and I went to see Penn and Teller. Ryan and I also went to the burlesque show ‘Fantasy’ and that was quite interesting. We walked for miles on the strip just looking around and shopping. On Monday we rented a car and drove to Hoover Dam and took a tour. That was very interesting. We also went to Red Rock Canyon and the Ethel M Chocolate Factory and Cactus Garden. The garden was beautiful. All in all we had a fantastic time. It was so nice to spend a few days with my son. But now it’s back to reality for me.
Where to even begin! We had a supervisor meeting on Friday and it was a mess to say the least. It started out alright and quickly went downhill. Ricky basically put all the blame on the supervisors for all the complaints given in the HR interviews. He made it out to be that there were no complaints on him or Barbi, just us. He told us we are going to have to rotate shifts for a 60 day trial period so I will be going to days on June 28th through September 16th. I am not looking forward to this at all. Ricky yelled at us and belittled us throughout the meeting. He called me and Kelly out by name as having said that it’s his way or the highway and gave a shit eating grin after saying it. He had Polly, Cheryl and Kelly in tears. He and Kelly were yelling at each other. He nearly took my head off when I asked what his repercussions from the interviews was. He threatened us with being fired and said he had the city manager’s blessing. Carolyn tried to stick up for us and made him apologize to us at the end, but it was very insincere. Barbi never spoke up until the end of the meeting about something that didn’t even matter. We have all sent letters to HR about a hostile work environment we’ll see see if anything gets done. Kelly is so upset about all of this and after having an individual meeting with Ricky in which he told her she is the reason for all this, she is now out on FMLA. Things are getting really interesting to say the least. We are already short and now even more so. Cheryl willprobably have to go out on FMLA next because she is just as stressed about all this BS. One good thing on the horizon, we leave for Vegas Thursday night!!!
June 1
Wow, it’s June already. Where has the time gone? The older I get the faster the time flies by.
They scheduled our supervisor meeting for 3:00 this afternoon. Once again, no regard for those of us that work midnights and get off at 6am this morning and will have to be back at work tonight! Not looking forward to what they will have in store for us. Wonder what shift I’m gonna get stuck on. I so don’t want to work days, but I think that’probably where I’ll be heading. I have no desire to be in the day time. There is entirely too much drama going on for me. The interviews for the next supervisor are going to be on the 11th. I’ll bet some of the candidates would withdraw their application if they knew we are about to have to rotate shifts. I also wonder if he’s gonna make Polly move since she’s about to retire. The meeting will be interesting to say the least!
It’s getting close!
Only two weeks till we go to Vegas! We’ve been waiting forever it seems like. I have been shopping like crazy trying to get some clothes suitable for the intense heat, lol. I’ve gotten some really cute sundresses that I can’t believe I’m actually going to wear. I’ve worn 2 of them out in the public here and survived, lol.
I am exercising religiously and today I finally saw some results on the scale, down 2 pounds. I’m doing zumba on tuesday and thursday mornings and The Firm workout tapes at work. I try to go to any zumba class i can work into my schedule, but seems like i’m always having to work lately.
I got some It Works detoxifying wraps from Tara Friday that are supposed to take away inches and make you feel good. I’m waiting till next week to try them cause I don’t want the effects to wear off before our trip, he he.
I’ve been wanting to help Stacie with all her moving preparations but I’ve been working so much that I haven’t made it over there. I feel so bad that I’m not able to be more supportive for her. Our days off never coincide.
That could change shortly with all the changes that are coming down the pike. As usual you have certain people messing up and their solution is to punish everyone. Not looking forward to the changes but I’ll do whatever I have to to secure my job.
Heidy Torres
I forgot to post on Saturday that I attended a masters Zumba class. These are usually only offered to zin instructors. This one was hosted by Stacie Fontenot who invited regular students as well as zin instructors. Traci went with me, in fact she’s the one that told me about it in the first place. Tracie Robinson is the instructor at Groves Activity Center and she and Christie Brown got us VIP tickets which got us a front row spot. There actually weren’t that many people in attendance, not as many as I expected anyway. Heidy is an absolutely awesome instructor. She was easy to follow and so much fun. We sweated and rocked for an hour and a half!
May 21
Twenty-five years ago today I received the best give ever……my son Ryan was born. He is and always has been a great joy. He is brilliant, handsome, funny, sensitive, and so much more. I love him more than I can express. I hope he has a terrific day and that all his wishes come true. Mine did when I had him.
May 18
This has been a long week. Worked all weekend on my regular shift then did orientation for a new hire then back for work Thursday and Friday nights. Friday night was super busy. I’m ready to get home to my bed. Friday while I was tying to sleep Sugar kept whining and kept me up so I’m really tired tonight. I’m excited about tomorrow to go to a Zumba class with Heidi Torres. It should be really fun. Ordered a swimsuit and coverup for our Vegas trip tonight. Hope it gets here quick and fits good.