It’s been a while

The rain has been going on for the last week.  Not as much as we were having, but it rains every day at one point or another.  We had our family get together at Holly Hill in Warren on the 15th.  It was great.  The lodge was really nice.  The weather held out for the day.  It was really hot, but nice at the same time.  Greg barbequed and it was delicious.  All the sides were great and the desserts were delicious.  We had a good time visiting and playing train dominoes.

The boxing camp is taking a break for two weeks then a new six week class will start.  I’m looking forward to that.  I’ve still been going to Zumba, but regardless of that I’m gaining weight.  I can’t say that I’ve been doing very well on my eating habits lately.  It’s time to get back on track and get rid of these last pounds.

Tuesday Stacie, Chance and I went to Webster for her thyroid specialist appointment.  We came back through Galveston and went to thepiper and ate at Bubba Gumps.  It was delicious.  We didn’t walk the pier because it was so hot and it costs $10 just to walk it.  If you want to ride any rides it was almost $30.  We want to go back when we can stay over night and have the right attire, lol.

Worr has been going alright! Still not crazy about day shift, but it could be worse.  Two more months and I’ll be back on nights.

Guess that’s all for now.

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