February 7th

Things are moving quickly with the house, and it’s been really exciting to watch. Last week, they finished the framing, and we were honestly surprised at how fast it’s coming together. We haven’t had a chance to visit the site ourselves yet, but DW posted some pictures on our web page, and Lori and Aaron drove over on Sunday to take a few more. It’s amazing how quickly everything is going up!

We’re planning to head over tomorrow to check things out in person, and Ricky will be spraying the termite prevention solution while we’re there. Kristi and Zach called with an update yesterday, and they mentioned the interior walls are now up, and the windows are in place. Zach also said they’re decking the roof today and will be putting on shingles Monday. The HVAC system and utilities are expected to be finished next week as well.

It’s all coming together so fast, and we’re both excited and a little amazed at how much has happened already!

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