Today is a new beginning……again!

Trying once again to get back on the wagon.  I’m still working out regularly, but have managed to get totally off-track and out of control with the eating again.  I don’t know if I’ll get this game of life figured out!  I sabotage myself every time I get ahead.  I know it’s a mental game that I’ve got to get a hold of.  How can it be so hard to just say no to all the bad things I put in my mouth.  I do it time and time again, knowing the damage I’m doing.  I can’t seem to stay consistent on anything.  Just like saying I was going to write something on here every day.  I do it a couple of times and then forget.  Well, I’m going to try again!  Today, after having a sleepless night and finally giving up at 1:30, I got up and surfed the internet for a while, had a protein bar and waited for it to be time to go to Delta Life.  I had some pre-workout about 5:45 and went to workout for 6:15.  I love going to Delta Life. I usually feel really good about my workouts.   It was very hot this morning and we had to do the 1/3 mile for the first time in a very long time.  My time was 3:07, which is a lot slower than it was the last time we ran it.   I was still ahead of all but one other member.  We had a benchmark workout Friday and it took me a lot longer to complete it than the last time as well.  This extra weight and the heat are making a big difference in my performance.  Any way, maybe I’ll get it together.  In other news, I bought into a new line of makeup that I’m absolutely loving…..Senegence…..I have the lipsense and the foundation, both are fantastic so far.  Maybe I can do something and actually sell some!  More on that later.

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