Getting ready

10 days till we leave for our mission trip to Guatemala. I’m getting both excited and apprehensive. Praying that we have a safe and productive trip.

Went to a Sexual Assault Family Violence conference in Irving with Sarah Murphy last week and had a good time. Tarah was there, also. Tuesday was Sarah’s birthday and we celebrated big time. I haven’t been that drunk in many years, lol. I had a blast. Some guy in the bar thought I was the hottest thing ever and bought all of my drinks! He wanted to take me to Italy, lol. We stayed at the Omni Mandalay Hotel and it was exquisite. It was on a lake and was similar to the river walk in San Antonio without all the businesses. It was really nice to get away for a few days. The conference was really good, too.

I’ve been doing You Time at the YMCA and going to aqua aerobics classes. I’m really enjoying the challenge of the workouts again. I haven’t been able to lose any more weight which is discouraging, but I’ll keep right on working out. My body is getting stronger and stronger and that’s a great feeling.

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