So bummed

Just when things are going so well, a setback. Saturday morning it was freezing outside and our Ripple Effect workout was outside. It doesn’t take long to warm up once we start working out though. We were doing our exercises and on the third set we did jump squats. I wasn’t jumping because my knees are weak, so I was just pulsing the squats. We were sprinting to a cone and back between exercises and then we went into jumping jacks, if I remember correctly. On one of the jumps I heard a loud pop and a roll in my right thigh. It hurt like hell. First I thought it was going to be alright after stretching it out good, but boy was I wrong! I had to miss a good it of the rest of our workout with some of the instructors stretching it out and assessing it. They said it may have a small tear, but it probably just knotted up due to the cold and popped when I landed on it. I was able to walk on it and did finish the rest of the workout doing the best I could. I iced it when I got home and put bio freeze on it before I went to bed. When I got up that afternoon to go to work it was very sore, but not unbearable. Throughout the night at work I iced it and kept it elevated. I got a roller on my way to work and used that on my lunch hour. It felt okay rolling it. Sunday night it was hurting bad and I continued the ice therapy and elevation. I rolled it on he roller again on my lunch hour. I eventually put heat on it. Tonight it feels better, but still hurts. I don’t think I’ll be able to do the ripple workout tomorrow and it is really getting me down. I’m hoping it is better quickly. I’m really having bad withdrawals from Ripple Effect and I’ve only missed one workout, which I would’ve missed any way because of work, lol. I would quit, but I don’t know how! Can’t wait for the pain to go away and get back to Ripple! In the meantime I will continue the rest of my healthy lifestyle and do some other types of exercise that don’t effect my hamstring. I’m done ranting now.

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