Snow Day January 21, 2025

Today was one for the books. It hasn’t snowed in our area for several years and the weather forecast was a BLIZZARD warning, lol. This is unheard of in Southeast Texas. However, some areas reached as much as 6 inches of snow. Unbelievable! At our house, we didn’t have quite that much. I wasn’t there to see it in person. I had to be at work. The city was officially closed Tuesday(today) and Wednesday and I was on call both days, lucky me. They up staffed for fear of what would happen in town with all the people bound and determined to be out in this mess. I had packed my bag before coming to work on Monday, so I’ve been staying here since I came to work Monday morning. The first night I abided by the rules and slept on the provided cot, barely wide enough for my fat ass. When I got up Tuesday morning my right hip was hurting something awful. Ricky was kind enough to brave the roads and bring me my air mattress for Tuesday night. This morning it’s not quite as bad, but still in pain. Guess I will have to make an appointment to see the Dr. soon. There weren’t any more calls than normal all day so I really wasn’t needed. However, I want to make as much overtime as possible before I retire in March, so it wasn’t too bad. This morning the temperature was 13 when I got up, which is crazy! Greg Bostwick said in the China are they set a new record of only 8 degrees. 2025 has had a crazy start, it can only go up from here. It was nice seeing all the photos on facebook of everyone enjoying the snow. Looked so pretty, but the mess afterwards isn’t pretty. I’m back at work now and hoping for an uneventful day. I wonder how much snow fell at our new homesite in Magnolia. I don’t think that area had as much as here. Hopefully they get back to work on the house soon. First picture is from Traci’s house early in the day and second is Sara throwing a snowball at Ryan.

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