Detox Followup

I finished the 7-day detox last night.  Had a total weight loss of 7 pounds.  Not too bad, I guess.  I have to say it was not easy.  Some of the drinks were really nasty.  I had one that tasted like I was drinking hot sauce straight up, others that tasted like dirt, and some there is no description for them.  I managed to choke them all down, though.  I’m glad I stuck to it.  I only had carbs (brown rice) twice during the 7 days and no sugar.  It has really taken the cravings for sweets away.  For that, I’m very thankful.  I went ahead and set up to purchase 7 days of breakfasts, lunches, dinners, and snacks through For The Love of Foods to see if I can stick to the healthy eating and get the weight loss back on track.  I’m hoping that I don’t get too many meals with the tilapia because that is one dish they don’t do well.  I want to learn what a full week of healthy eating looks like and maybe I can start implementing it myself.  Not sure yet how much the weeks worth of food is going to cost.