I’m a week late, but anyway, I made it through my first month of Challenge. It was, to say the least, challenging at times. I thoroughly enjoyed it though. It’s such a good feeling to push myself further and further and realize that I am capable of accomplishing things I would never have imagined being able to do. When I began Ripple Effect I couldn’t do 1 military style push-up. At the beginning of Challenge I was able to do 24. At the end of the month I was able to do 39! That’s a little deceiving because I wasn’t able to go down as far as I should, but I still wasn’t doing them on my knees. We do quite a bit of running in Challenge, which I’m beginning to love again. Hopefully I can keep it going without injury, that’s my biggest fear.
This week was the first week of my second month of Challenge. We did our parameters on Tuesday. I was able to do, I think, 28 full military push-ups, and I ran my mile in under 10 minutes. I was third out of 9 people, beat only by the 2 guys and I’m by many years older than all of them, lol. That’s a great feeling, one I can’t even describe.
Today our workout was extremely difficult and I loved it. My body is feeling it now. I think I’ll go soak in some epsom salts!
Hope everyone has a wonderful day! Do something kind for someone 🙂