January 14, 2013

Today is my fifth day of the Advocare 24 day Challenge and the seventh day of Ripple Effect 2.  Things are going great.  I’m trying to follow the 24 day challenge as close as possible, although with my schedule it gets challenging sometime.  I’m not getting hungry at all and most of the time I’m so full I can’t get enough calories in for the day.  I also got the Can You 24 Workout DVD.

Ripple Effect is going extremely well. Every class is challenging, but so worth the pain.  Saturday one of our instructors had his mentor come and lead class.  It was so awesome.  He has no legs and has no excuses.  The workout was simply amazing.  We had so much fun and pushed ourselves to the limit.

The Can You 24 DVD is the same kind of workout that we do in the Ripple Effect.  I’ve only done one day of that so far and I really liked it.  I hope to do that on the days I work.  That should make up for the few days of Ripple that I’m unable to go to because of my work schedule.

Hopefully with all of these positive changes I’ll start to see some results on the scale and my clothes.  I’ll also be feeling better and stronger.

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