
It’s been a long time since I was sick.  That all changed Tuesday.  My throat started itching and I strated coughing.  I was absolutely miserable at work Wednesday.  My nose was running like a faucet.  I sneezed at least a hundred times, big, hard sneezes.  Several times they went out over the radio when patrol 1 and 2 were keyed up.  My nose was so raw I could hardly stand to wipe it.  I finally feel better today, but not totally well yet.  my nose is peeling where it was so raw.  I have definitely got to get my flu shot soon.  I can’t even imagine dealing with that.

Made some pumpkin pancakes this morning and they were awesome.  Found the recipe on pinterest and thought I would try it out.  Glad I did.  Pinterest is so great for finding new things to try.  I have so many things pinned and tagged that I’ll never be able to try them all, lol.